The wine producing firm of Michele Chiarlo was founded in 1956 by Michele Chiarlo who is now joined by his son Alberto in continuing the philosophy underpinning the quality driven wines. It was discovered during the 1980’s, after experimentation in the vineyard, that an extraordinary increase in quality could be achieved by ensuring a very low yield per vine by thinning out the grape bunches or green harvesting. Michele Chiarlo were among the first producers in Piedmont to adopt and scrupulously follow these methods along harvest the grapes on the basis of phenolic ripeness or the changes in flavour and colour compounds as well as tannin. Michele Chiarlo is also credited with being one of the first producers to introduce malolactic fermentation to Italy, thereby achieving wines of greater stability, lower acidity and easier accessibility in their youth. The vineyard plantings include 60 hectares of the three classic Piedmont growing areas of Langhe where the great Barolo and Barbarescos are grown and made, Monferrato, home to Barbera d’Asti and Gavi and it is Michele Chiarlo’s ceaseless innovation and rigorous standards which have made Michele Chiarlo a leading figure in the viticultural industry.